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Jesus Christ

Sr. Pastor

Jesus Christ

Jesus is King over all (Colossians 1:15-20). There is none greater or above Him in rank or system. Since this is true, Jesus is the head of the church which means He is in charge. What this means for Living Water Church is we appropriately give Jesus the title and authority as Sr. Pastor of our faith community. This is not cliché. It is true and we as the leadership of Living Water Church make it a priority to seek Him in ALL things because He deserves all the praise, honor and glory!

Rob Lane2

Rob Lane

Lead Pastor

Rob Lane

I’m so grateful that Cara Lane and I have the humbling responsibility of leading a faith community here in Northern California. Needless to say, it has been a wild adventure. We know that life is not always downhill but it is the uphill that strengthens a community of people learning to love Jesus and one another well. We have seen God’s faithfulness time and time again in this journey of discovering more of who a Real God is and what it looks like to simply be authentic in a culture that constantly bombards us that being fake by doing what everyone else seeks to be and do is cool and “popular.” We lay down the “platform of popularity” so that all glory and honor is given to the One who gives and takes away breath! It was never my desire to be a Lead Pastor of a church because of the weighty responsibility that is easy to treat with a spirit of entitlement, messiah complex, and careless personal kingdom building. God’s call and plan often comes to fruition when the mind and heart say, “Never, not me!” I am grateful to the people who live and love in and by Living Water. I love that God has us as a family and His plan to grow the greater family called His Church. Love that we get to be on that mission TOGETHER!

Cassandra Final

Cassandra Burgess

Director of Worship Arts

Cassandra Burgess

Ministry Strategist

Jack Osorno

Teaching Pastor

Jack Osorno

Jwood 400x500

Jerri Wood

Director, Women's Ministry

Jerri Wood

Pam Donn2

Pam Don

Director, Children's Ministry

Pam Don

Lynda Gloria2

Lynda Gloria

Church Administrator

Lynda Gloria

Scott Corliss2

Scott Corliss

Director, Men's Ministry

Scott Corliss

Donna Whitchurch

Donna Whitchurch

Director, Hospitality

Donna Whitchurch


Youth Ministry Team – “Seal Team”

Youth Ministry Leadership

Youth Ministry Team – “Seal Team”